Competition for Google Apps

I signed up for some of their services...they look pretty slick too. Competition is a GOOD THING!

The only problem is Google is on a roll (it seems like they can do no wrong), is massive and thus their infrastructure is probably a little bit more stable than Zoho (i'm assuming), and has Gmail as their central tie-in service (Zoho's mail client is in private beta testing right now).

Methinks Yahoo! should just buy them up quickly to be able to compete with Google on online apps front and give Zoho a decent email client to integrate would be a very interesting battle going forward and should be good for consumers!


Unknown said…
i'm going to comment on this one and i do believe that they definitely have a potential to rival google apps . But if you look at how much money and brand power google has, its hard to even imagine a smaller company taking them on. even if they are specifically developing online planning tools. Google has so many resources for testing, feature upgrades, QA bug fixing. It's going to be very very tough for zoho to keep up with google's constant revisions and changes that will appeal more to a common base of users. Also, If you look at remember the milk and its integration with google calendar you can see that google is open to 3rd party developers creating apps for their platform. So not only is zoho competing against google they're competing against all the developers who know that they can rely on google's popular platform to develop their apps on. Google won't be directly competing with zoho because many many many more google app developers are going to be coming out and doing things better than zoho because they arent spreading themselves as thin. just my 2 cents.

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