Polar Rose

A new photo search engine is in the works and it sounds pretty interesting:


Here's an article from Red Herring on it, and an excerpt from the company's website on how the technology works:

"Polar Rose relies on a combination of our unique face recognition algorithms and the collective intelligence of our users.

The face recognition technology used was originally developed by CTO Jan Erik Solem during his M.Sc and Ph.D. stints at the universities of Lund and Malmö in southern Sweden. It's unique in that we are able to extract 3D information from regular 2D images, an approach that radically improves the short-comings of existing face recognition approaches.

However, we don't and can't rely exclusively on face recognition, but also harness the collective intelligence of our users who help train our software and tag names on people we haven't seen before.

Tim O'Reilly has dubbed this relationship between user and computer as "bionic software" – the computer helps the user, and in turn the user helps the computer."


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