
http://www.bl ocquebecois.org/

based on website design/usability, i would vote NDP...

-the first thing you see on the liberals site, is a form for you to
fill out...stalkers! skipping that part, the rest of their site is
nothing to rave about.

-half of the conservative party's main page is blocked out by
firefox's adblocker.  although viewed in IE it looks pretty good,
although overloaded with info.

-the bloc's site is all in french...they could at least put an english
version so potential english voters could sympathize with their cause.

-thus by process of elimination, the ndp's colourful and RSS enriched
site wins hands down.  it even fits its main page on one screen (no
scrolling!).  but i keep wanting to press the big orange "getting
results for the ppl" banner thinking its a button.


Miss Pow said…
It's funny that the Bloc's website is all in French. Isn't their new mandate to include Anglophone Quebecers? I think the Bloc is moving in a new direction... uniting as a province rather than a single Francophone group.

About voting based on website... I'd go with NDP too!!

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